
This topic was created by Katie
[Sun 23 May, 21:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Hi. Can anyone give me information on Managua, Nicaragua? I amplannig to live there for a few months and would like to know how safe it is, what the people are like, if there are nice places to see close to this city, etc.. Thank you, Katie.

[There are 1 posts - the latest was added on Mon 24 May, 16:15]

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  1. Managua is nice! Added by: Charles (
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 16:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I think Managua is very pleasant. I have been there
    several times and enjoy it each time. It does not have the
    typical tourist sites of say Guat. or Costa Rica but in
    it's own way, it is very intriguing. The 72 earthquake
    leveled central Man. and they didn't really rebuild it,
    just built up around the center making for an adventure in
    driving and finding your way around. I have heard MANY
    stories of Managua and Nicaragua generaly being dangerous.
    I am sure there is some truth and i do not discount the
    claims but I have never felt threatened anywhere in Nic.
    including Managua. The standard precautions apply of
    course as in any Central Amer. city or any big city in the
    world for that matter! There are some beautiful volcanic
    lakes near the city which are very clean and pleasant.
    Leon Viejo the first capital destroyed by a Volcano in
    1500's is near and worth a trip. The beaches on the
    Pacific are nice near Pochomil or Montelimar(very expensive)
    Somoza's old beach house. There is much more to do at
    night now that the exiles have come back, good clubs and
    very good restaurants. I find the people to be wonderful,
    very helpful and glad you are there to see their country.
    They realize most people forgo Nic. for the other
    countries. The highlands, Matagalpa and Jinotega are very
    nice. Reports of violence in those areas is more to the
    North and not terribly close to those towns or their
    surrounding areas. I find Managua to be rather more laid
    back than the other Central Amer. capitals. I think you
    will enjoy your time but remember, it isn't Costa Rica or
    Guatemala. The night life isn't as good as Panama City or
    San Salvador but fun, pleasant and memorable are adjectives
    I can use confidently. Please feel free to e-mail me with
    any questions. Good Luck!!!

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