single girl in guatemala

This topic was created by amy
[Thu 20 May, 4:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

in july i'm planning on arriving in guatemal city by myself
and making my way to rio dulce where i will be a volunteer
at casa guatemal (an orphanage for abandoned adn
malnourished children). my question is this... am i crazy to
be travelling by myself? i want to travell after i leave the
orphanage but don't know where to go. i'm also thinking of
making a trip up to belize as well. my interests are pretty
much the same as all other travellers... exciting, beautiful
sites, friendly people and lots of fun!!! i am travelling on
a budget but a super strict one. can anyone help me out?
thank you so much. any ideas and tips would be greatly
appreciated, if it makes a difference i'm canadian with
limited spanish. thanx

[There are 8 posts - the latest was added on Tue 25 May, 16:46]

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  1. Rio Dulce! Added by: supermisterhaystackhead ((above)
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 5:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i wouldnt imagine you would have too hard of a time, i was
    traveling with another guy so it was a bit different but i
    felt safer in Guate than my home town of Washington DC. I
    wouldnt plan on spending time in the city(unless you know
    people)(you dont want to hang around there at night i
    think), but a taxi will take you from the Airport to
    Antigue in 30 minits for US$10 where you will find all
    kinds of information for traveling(rainbow travel agencia
    is great-speak inglis) not to mention plenty of cool people
    chilling in the park that might be on there way somewhere
    as well. i supose you could get a bus from city to Rio
    Dulce, but if you r going to stay a night or two visit
    Antigua. id go with you if it was October! l8r SMHH

  2. it'll be fine Added by: kristin (
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 12:10 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I traveled alone through Guate and to the Rio Ducle 1.5
    years ago. You will be fine. It helps to get your bearings
    with others if possbile when you first get there before
    breaking out on your own. Just be aware of your things and
    While near the Rio Dulce, you should take a trip to
    Livingston. I spent 4 days there relaxing and meeting
    all kinds of interesting people. Take the boat over from
    Puerto Barrios. The ride is great, bumpy and wet! The Casa
    Rosada is right on the river and serves many gringos. I
    also highly recommend Antigua. You can take a bus from
    Puerto Barrios to Guate, and then take one of the many
    shuttles from the airport to Antigua. Maybe also hit
    Panaajachel & Atitlan. Have fun!

  3. Rio Dulce Added by: Leanne (
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 13:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I was on the Rio Dulce last Nov/Dec. From Guate. City you can take a bus from Litegua Bus Station, it's in Zone 1, 15 calle and 10 Ave.. The first class bus is about $6.50US one way and is fairly comfortable, the buses are sort of like those here but without bathrooms so don't drink too much. It takes 5 hours and has one rest stop. Make sure you get off before going over the bridge once you get to the river and go from there to Hotel Backpackers. It's not a big deal if you get off on the other side though, just a bit of a walk back accross with all your stuff. I'm assuming you know to ask for Angie once at the Hotel and so I won't go into any other details about that, if by some chance you do need some more information, let me know. I had intended to volunteer there myself but things didn't work out for a few different reasons. The river is beautiful though and you can get to Livingston via Launcha right at the Hotel (I think), just ask someone. Tikal is another great place to visit. I didn't get there myself but heard that it is quite remarkable. How is your spanish? The kids don't speak any english and if you plan on doing any travelling I would recommend that if you don't speak any that you take at least a week or two of lessons. Don't worry about traveling on your own, I did it and was fine, just be carefull. Guate city is an awful city, even during the day in a lot of places and definitely at night. For Spanish lessons, Antigua has about 60 schools to choose from and is a good place to acclimate(sp?) yourself.
    Just remember, caution, common sense and an'll have a great time.
    Let me know if you need anything else.

  4. Can I Come? Added by: Samantha (
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 14:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm really interested about your voluteer job in Guatemala. Could you give me a little information on it. I love to travel and learn about other cultures but feel like I should also work to really experience the life. I'm just wondering what to do for the fall and this sounded interesting!!
    Please give me a shout.
    Samantha Wiens

  5. where to stay in Guatemala city Added by: Becky
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 6:53 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hello Amy:
    If you decide to spend a night in Guatemala city, try this place Dos Lunas Guest House, when I was on my way to Rio Dulce, I came from antigua to guate city and stayed there. and the next morning I took the bus litegua.
    Dos Lunas charge US$10.00, and for the same price they offer you free shuttle from/to/airport and a great breakfast.
    On my way back I stayed in the same place and next morning they gave me a ride to the airport at 4:00 a.m.because I had an early flight. the service at Dos Lunas is excellent. After hearing a lot of bad comments about Guatemla city, at least I felt safe with them at Dos Lunas.
    hereā”¤s the e-mail address:
    Good Luck

  6. no problems-been there Added by: michal (
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 3:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    NO PROBLEMS. I just traveled three weeks in guatemala- a
    lone woman, 22 years old, who doesn't speak spanish (just
    survival spanish). I've been to rio dulce and they have a
    hostel there (the hostel) run by the orphanage. I met some
    of the kids and some of the guys that work in the orphanage.
    THey are all very nice. I had no problems traveling alone
    in GUatemala, though the bus system was a bit intimidating
    and confusing at first. FOr gorgeous places, try FINCA
    TATIN. It is very close to rio dulce. In fact, they have
    an advertisment in the hostel. THey have a language school-
    optional- and access to a region that is considered a
    subtropical rainforest. It was a little expansive, 5 USD a
    night, but amazing and isolated and perfect. Tel 502 947
    0298, fax 502 947 0298 and email
    Other places in Guate are obviously Tikal with the
    mesmerizing ruins and the sound of howler monkeys in the
    trees. A different kind of jungle is in Biotopo de Quezales
    near Coban. Near the biotopo they have a little
    hotel/hostel- cheep and gorgeous. For towns I would
    reccommend Antigua (though very touristy) and Xela (a.k.a.
    Quetzaltenango) and you must check out lago atitlan. Don't
    worry, I did the whole thing by bus- no mugging, not too
    much harrassment, and a great time.

  7. my 2 cents_ Added by: Kirk
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 2:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Spend the night in tikal a bit of $ but worth every cent

  8. More info? Added by: Alan (
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 16:46 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I also volunteered at Casa Guatmala a couple years ago for 4
    months, and if you need any more info than the substantial
    amount above, write me!

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