Book of Ideas

Best Ideas

A compendium of social innovations

The latest ideas and award-winning schemes
from the Institute for Social Inventions

Table of Contents

Social Innovations Award Winners 1995

  1. Internet's New Civilization Network
  2. A pan-racial electoral system
  3. A village for midwives and the retired
  4. A protest group who paint d-i-y bike lanes
  5. Come to the meeting with three ideas
  6. The Bank of New Ideas
  7. The Transport Social Inventions Award 1995
  8. A nationwide network of discussion cafés
  9. Golan Heights Peace Park
  10. Jaisalmer in Jeopardy

Children and Education

  1. Negakids
  2. Childless By Choice
  3. Childshare by shareparents
  4. Transmitting family noises to babies
  5. Engineering company reports for five-year-olds
  6. Children not teachers asking the questions
  7. The no blame approach to bullying
  8. Puerto Rico's vouchers attractive to schools
  9. A meeting place for home-educated children
  10. Paintbrush Diplomacy
  11. Teaching entrepreneurship
  12. University of the First Age
  13. A video history of Britain
  14. A bioregional multimedia template for schools
  15. Students using creativity to improve university
  16. University credits earned by community service
  17. A time tax on undergraduates
  18. Software revealing student plagiarism
  19. The interactive computer university of the future


  1. Enhanced marriages, families and neighbourhoods through Internet
  2. A ring tattoo to discourage adultery
  3. A gender tax to pay for male crime
  4. Women to start work earlier
  5. Pre-Marriage Percentage Compatibility Rating Test
  6. Go camping together before marriage
  7. Lonely hearts column tip
  8. Wimps and Wumps
  9. Boyfriend pays $20 deposit for date
  10. Late arriver buys lunch
  11. Reputation is more important than fame
  12. Small gifts improve creative problem solving
  13. Rewards devalue pleasant tasks
  14. Random acts of kindness day
  15. How to increase co-operation through Tit-for-Tat
  16. Family therapy principles for defusing contentious public debates
  17. Family Arguing Time


  1. Bypassing estate agents with computerised house selling

New Money Systems & Financial Innovations

  1. Regional currencies insulate against speculation
  2. Ithaca HOURS - better than dollars
  3. Channel Islands model of debt-free money
  4. Money is for saving not spending
  5. Individuals hedging against changes in earnings or house prices


  1. Pay tax on your price for your land
  2. Allocating taxes to fund research prizes
  3. Tax rebates for truthfulness

Work & Unemployment

  1. The InterSkills Project
  2. The Job Society, discussing the future of work
  3. 'Time Money' from fathers to supplement child support
  4. Training in leisure and d-i-y skills for unemployment or retirement
  5. The Apprentice-Master Alliance - progress report
  6. Green job options
  7. Ways to find enjoyable work
  8. Advantages and disadvantages of four-day week
  9. A rating questionnaire for job references
  10. Paid day off for errant employees
  11. The lowest rated 5% fired every six months
  12. No parking space for late-comers

Economics & Business

  1. The Unitised Economy
  2. Economic crash with appalling consequences
  3. Outside directors to be paid only in shares
  4. Top salaries taxed on long-term company performance
  5. 30% of income must come from new products
  6. Wearing a red cap means 'do not disturb'
  7. 'Team-building' charitable work
  8. Come to each meeting with three ideas
  9. A supermarket that seeks out bad news
  10. A new investment bank for N. W. Wales
  11. Cheap bank drafts for foreign currency


  1. Green armbands for memory loss
  2. Video film of pupils in case lost or kidnapped
  3. American volunteers sanitising a Moscow children's hospital
  4. Saving Russian children from dying of Cystic Fibrosis
  5. Volunteers helping in hospital waiting rooms
  6. Paid and volunteer helper group in Southampton
  7. Voluntary Agencies Directory
  8. Sign language in schools
  9. MDMA in the treatment of torture victims
  10. Council-paid for sex for man with handicaps
  11. Firemen's skin to a tissue culture in case needed
  12. Radio tags for hire by mountain climbers
  13. A psychotherapy that focuses on morality and obligation
  14. Promissory notes for beggars instead of money

Crime & The Law

  1. Only fines for criminals
  2. Photos wanted on cheques and credit cards
  3. Over-25 car window stickers to deter car thieves
  4. Electronic tagging in practice
  5. More lawyers, less work, more mediation
  6. Justice by random arbitration
  7. Creative sentencing in California
  8. Tonglen meditation in prison
  9. Concealing crime victims' addresses
  10. Differential needed between robbery and murder
  11. Nuremberg trial for cigarette manufacturers

Health & Therapy

  1. Health tips and research
  2. Twisting mother if baby's shoulders jammed
  3. A symbol to identify sweets that are 'kind to teeth'
  4. Virtual play for ill children
  5. Stress leads to illness in children
  6. Twelve warning signs of health
  7. Long-term survivors
  8. Swaps Against AIDS
  9. Healthy Communities Initiatives
  10. Repetitive strain injuries
  11. Curing check-out scanner stress
  12. Blood donations requested from patients' friends
  13. Doctors to let patients know if running late
  14. Exercising the face
  15. MDMA therapy guidelines
  16. Using financial rewards to wean addicts
  17. Exercise as a substitute drug for addicts
  18. Money repaid to the healthy


  1. Containing plagues by decentralising
  2. Valuing people for who they are, not their IQ
  3. ╔lites need ties to neighbourhoods
  4. The elective village
  5. Earning elite supporting whole villages
  6. The Neighbourhood Company
  7. Medieval-style neighbourhood bands
  8. 480 town halls for London
  9. New parish councils in urban areas
  10. Rules for a local economy
  11. What's your Community Quotient?
  12. Personal histories of community activity
  13. Self-reliance initiatives encyclopedia
  14. Community trust-building

Environment & Ecology

  1. Why future generations matter
  2. If you were a multi-millionaire wanting to help future generations ...
  3. The Sacred Cow Syndrome and Gaia principles
  4. Ecopsychology
  5. Equanimity needed to face accelerating changes
  6. A vision of future evolution
  7. 12.5m Earth globe with interior computer projections
  8. A memorial for extinct species
  9. 20 million optimum population for Britain
  10. A Flu from Hell to reduce human numbers
  11. Mass extinctions threatened by gamma rays
  12. The Natural Step's progress
  13. Local Agenda 21 as a way to influence councils
  14. Getting funds from large firms by 'swing-purchasing'
  15. Lifestyles of frugal beauty
  16. Balancing the carbon budget
  17. Negawatts, feebates and food-miles
  18. Beckerman in Wonderland
  19. A teenager's world-changing letters
  20. Community-Supported Agriculture
  21. Forest gardens, network marketing and learning poetry
  22. Owners to donate land for community gardens
  23. Permaculture as a social invention
  24. A community forest garden in Islington
  25. Permaculture farm and campsite - progress report
  26. Cornish eco-hamlet
  27. £30m Earth Centre in Yorkshire
  28. Growing hemp for clothes
  29. Thyme - a grass lawn alternative
  30. A £25 home-made compost toilet
  31. Squatters select waste collector
  32. No garbage _ no garbage bill
  33. Picking up other people's litter on the tube
  34. Lottery rewards for good deeds
  35. Microwaving waste less polluting than incineration
  36. Making town maps showing Green initiatives
  37. Re-creating our cities
  38. An environmentally concerned hotel
  39. Recyclable telephone directories
  40. Hawks keep pigeons out of town
  41. Pheremone spray for dogs' mess
  42. Less stress for chickens in red light
  43. The emotional lives of animals
  44. Weather changes will increase depression
  45. Stickers of earth from space

Quality of Life

  1. Hillman's Musings:
  2. The need for new indicators of personal conduct
  3. A Green Gauge of environmental damage

Science, Technology & Energy

  1. Negative research findings database
  2. Scientists are beyond the control of dictators
  3. A moratorium on releasing genetically-engineered organisms
  4. Free speech leads to technological progress
  5. One country to specialise in supporting inventors
  6. Inventing your own constellations
  7. A fractal universe
  8. A decade of energy turbulence
  9. Motors running for months without electricity
  10. Solar Enterprise Zone (SEZ)
  11. A London forest for heat and electricity
  12. The world's only water-powered Aga
  13. Wheat-burning stove
  14. Technology in 25 years' time
  15. Dismantling skyscrapers and automobiles
  16. Energy-generating treadmills for dogs


  1. Providing for cycling and walking cheaper than more public transport
  2. Pavement cycling illegal but lifesaving
  3. Protesters painting d-i-y bike lanes
  4. Roads, bridges and airports underground
  5. Pneumatic transport network for the UK
  6. Sustrans' 5,000 miles of cycle paths
  7. Bill to reduce traffic by 5% by 2005
  8. Negamiles non-car commuting allowance
  9. Car-free tax allowance
  10. Travelbucks - rewards for the car-free
  11. Firms meeting Clean Air requirements through telecommuting
  12. Daytime car lights for safety
  13. Volunteers driving at 30mph to slow down speedsters
  14. Where to board the tube for quickest exits
  15. Fastest plane boarding by window seats first
  16. Plane seat belts throughout flights
  17. Deaf people could live near airport
  18. More pauses needed in travel announcements
  19. Vertical stripes in buses reduce falls
  20. Post boxes with roadside openings


  1. The Global Ideas Bank
  2. Using Internet as a resource for social innovation
  3. Internet's New Civilization Network
  4. Intelnet and the Bank of New Ideas
  5. World Wide Web's inventor
  6. International non-verbal languages with links in English
  7. ShareText, the ShareWare book or article
  8. Main libraries entitled to a digital copy of every book
  9. Any book teleprinted on demand to local shop
  10. Information stamps for the poor
  11. Reader-friendlier books
  12. Ubiquitous computing
  13. Getting paid for reading e-mail
  14. A way to prevent telesales calls
  15. Getting your magazine distributed by a newspaper
  16. Getting specialist shelfspace from a bookshop
  17. Hippies slouching towards Bethlehem?
  18. Planetary Connections newspaper
  19. Discuss action plans earlier in conferences

Art, Leisure & Lifestyle

  1. An audience discussion period after films
  2. Reading groups
  3. A network of discussion cafés
  4. Legalised ticket touting
  5. A restaurant with à la carte videos
  6. Haiku for group discussion
  7. International Parliament of Writers
  8. Micro-libraries at railway stations
  9. The reenchantment project
  10. The Gyrotron - a human-sized gyroscope
  11. Decalynx, an associative mind game
  12. Package tourists less damaging than independent travellers
  13. Sites for travellers - cheaper than persecution
  14. Dental floss as sewing thread
  15. Hair removal by laser
  16. Snowboarding will make skiing obsolete


  1. Strong neighbourhoods as the best defence against terrorism
  2. Russia and Armageddon
  3. The right to secede and to privatise
  4. Return of the European city-states
  5. The Swiss Example
  6. The Brussels two-council model for Jerusalem
  7. Golan Heights Peace Park
  8. An pan-racial electoral system
  9. Stakeholder democracy for Australia
  10. Countries to seek bankruptcy protection
  11. Sprouted food in famine areas to save on fuel
  12. Trickle Up programme
  13. Asian carpets without child labour
  14. One traveller's initiative to save Jaisalmer
  15. Strategic Questions for cleaning up the Ganges
  16. Curitiba and its visionary mayor
  17. Orangi slum transformed by street committees and small loans
  18. Grameen-model village banking in Costa Rica
  19. Grameen Banks for women in the States

War & Peace

  1. Nuclear weapons in court
  2. Cruise missiles cheaper than cars
  3. Will robotic killers recognise surrender flags?
  4. Reversible khaki for desert or woodland
  5. Women as warlike and brutal as men


  1. Administratium, the heaviest element
  2. MPs renamed 'Public Servants'
  3. Complainers encouraged by council to become street leaders
  4. Voter Juries, Vetoes and Feedback
  5. Civic and family duties stressed by Communitarians
  6. A Council of the Islands of Britain and Ireland


  1. Monks using MDMA as an aid to meditation
  2. Evaluating the danger of cults
  3. Danger signs in cults
  4. A short guide to comparative philosophy
  5. A new physics of the spiritual realm needed
  6. H. G. Wells and the urge for transcendence
  7. A labyrinth in every hospital, school and park

Old Age

  1. Children legally obliged to support elderly parents
  2. Gold medals for caring for old parents
  3. Old age pensions paid by robots
  4. A village for midwives and the retired
  5. Inter-generational home sharing
  6. Innovation centres run by elders

Death & Dying

  1. Before and After - news from the front-line

Promoting Social Inventions

  1. Alec Dickson, founder of VSO and CSV
  2. Robert Jungk, futurist and social inventor
  3. The start of the National Suggestions Centre
  4. The first meeting of European social innovation centres
  5. Social and technical inventions in the Philippines
  6. Social innovations for women
  7. Ideas for the Future project
  8. The Innovation Diffusion Game
  9. Social change unlikely but worth working for


  1. Non-religious naming ceremonies in church
  2. Hyperventilation for prisoners
  3. An experiment to save lives by sleeping at an angle
  4. Environmentalism not in need of debunking
  5. Microfiche versus Internet
  6. Developing thinking skills
  7. Activist hoarding space offered in London W2
  8. The enrichment of learning poetry
  9. Learning 3 or 4 poems a week
  10. Poems written to order
  11. Writing poems on trains
  12. One share each in Britain
  13. A social innovations bibliography
  14. Giving ratings to social inventions

  1. On editing magazines
  2. News wanted
  3. Publications available

Edited by

Nicholas Albery
Matthew Mezey
Mary McHugh
& Marie Papworth

Published September 1995 by

The Institute for Social Inventions
20 Heber Road
London NW2 6AA
tel 0181 208 2853, fax 0181 452 6434
e-mail: <>

Further copies of this book are available from the Institute for £14-85 incl. p&p. For a full information pack about the Institute please send four first class stamps. For a publications order form see back.

Copyright © Institute for Social Inventions 1995

This annual compendium is an experimental susbstitute for Social Inventions journal (Numbers 34-36), ISSN 0954-206X. Subscription details at the rear of this book. This compendium is also the 1995 supplement to 'The Book of Visions - An Encyclopaedia of Social Innovations' (available from the Institute for £18-49 or £20-60 for credit card orders from abroad) and does not repeat the ideas in that encyclopaedia.

The Institute for Social Inventions, founded in 1985, is part of an educational charity, and its aim is to help improve the quality of life by encouraging the development of imaginative and socially innovatory ideas and projects. Its patrons include Sir Peter Parker and Anita Roddick and its fellows include Lord Young of Dartington and Edward de Bono.

The Social Inventions Awards, with £1,000 in total award money, are judged each year by the directors of the Institute for Social Inventions. Members of the public can submit their own ideas and projects (with a deadline of June 1st each year). The Institute also monitors the media for good schemes and has a network of correspondents worldwide and sister Institutes in several other countries.

British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data. A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

ISBN 0 948826 37 1

Printed by Antony Rowe Ltd, Chippenham, Wilts SN14 6QA.