Ideas for the Future project

Peter Pink

Adapted extracts from communications with the Institute concerning a public think tank that would be based in Scotland.

Peter Pink of Clackmannanshire, Scotland, wants to set up an Ideas For the Future (IFF) project, which would aim to act as a catalyst, publisher and clearing-house for ideas.

He envisages a newsletter, a loose-leaf annual directory, a no-fuss fax service, a bulletin board, meetings and much, much more. He hopes to provide a people first democratic publishing service, a 'hard copy' way into the Internet, an open think tank and an antidote to apathy and powerlessness.

Indeed Peter Pink has an almost manic cornucopia of ideas but no money, so he would welcome assistance.

For further information contact Peter Pink, IFF, 3 Mayfield Cres, Clackmannan, Clackmannanshire, Scotland FK10 4HP (tel 01259 212508).

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