Repetitive strain injuries

Adapted extract from an article by Jeff Johnston entitled in Natural Life newsletter Nov '94 (US$21 from RR1, St George, Ontario, Canada NOE 1 NO (tel & fax 519 448 4001).

The following are some stretching exercises you can do to avoid repetitive strain injuries or to reduce the inflammation (along with proper work station set-up and posture).

(1) Extend your fingers until you feel tension in the stretch. Hold for ten seconds, then bend your fingers at the knuckles (do not clench your fist). Hold this position for ten seconds, then release. Repeat once.

(2) Raise an elbow to the top of your head, forearm dangling behind your head. Grab the elbow with the other hand and pull down toward the back of the neck. Repeat on the other side.

(3) Clasp your hands behind your head. Sitting upright, stretch your elbows backward and hold the stretch.

(4) Sitting upright in your chair, clasp your hands behind your chair back. Straighten your arms as much as possible and raise your hands toward the ceiling.

(5) Reach over your head to the opposite ear. Gently pull your head toward your shoulder; hold for ten seconds, then repeat on the other side.

(6) Roll your shoulders forward, up, back, then down, making the largest circles possible. Repeat in the other direction. These last two stretch the shoulder and neck muscles, which can tighten and cause problems with our arms, as well as cause tension headaches.

(7) Get out of your chair. Our bodies also weren't designed to sit all day. Don't type for more then 30 minutes without taking a break. Get up, stretch, go to your printer, make yourself a cup of tea, or take the dog for a walk. Buy a telephone headset so you can walk around your office while you talk - and you won't have to hold the handset between your neck and shoulder any more.

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