One country to specialise in supporting inventors

Greg Wright

From a document sent to the Institute.

This is a proposal to make a small, developing country into the equivalent of a USOC, or Universal Stock-Ownership Company so as to attract innovators, entrepreneurs, inventors and energetic creative visionaries of all kinds from around the world to set up shop in the small nation.

These creators' full credit for a fair share of the proceeds from their inventions and innovations will be guaranteed and protected with the full assets and resources of a sovereign nation - which nation will be richer and more secure even as it helps the world by its encouragement of good new developments outside of the often stifling control of huge multinational corporations.

Greg Wright, Wright Thinking, 14161 Riverside Drive #3, Sherman Oaks, CA 91423, USA (tel 818 784 0325; fax 818 981 6835; e-mail: <>).

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