Exercising the face

Adapted from an interview in the Evening Standard by Melanie McDonagh, monitored for the Institute by Yvonne Ackroyd.

Carol Maggio applies principles to facial that have always been applied to body exercises. 'I knew I was after two things', she says. 'I had to feel the muscles and I had to get the lactic acid burn.' Now she advises the flexing of cheek bone muscles the way body-builders flex their biceps.

She believes that one's entire emotional history is registered on the face and that doing facial exercises relieves stress and depression. For instance, she says the Princess of Wales' wary, angular face shows the way she's been emotionally mutilated.

Then she adds: 'Make your mouth into an O. Put your fingers to the side of your mouth. And push up the cheeks. Push. Push. Push. Let all that pent up frustration and anger out. Now put your arms above your head. Lift your head up an inch. Now hold it. Hold i. Sixty of those a day and you'll broaden that face.'

Carol Maggio's phone number in the States is 310 316 8565.

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