Video film of pupils in case lost or kidnapped

Adapted extract from an unidentified cutting, dated March 20th '95, from an American newspaper covering an Associated Press item, monitored for the Institute by Roger Knights.

A video child-identification programme includes cameo appearances by nearly all of the 416 students of Winlock Miller Elementary School in Lewis County, USA.

'We help film it every other year,' explained Winlock High School student Sarah Cox.

For their brief appearances on video, youngsters need to know just a few critical lines: their name and those of their parents, their age, address, number of siblings and the colour of their house.

All the students give these answers during a solo interview on video-tape, while standing in front of a chart indicating their height.

A teacher described the video-taped interviews as 'something that can immediately go on the airwaves', should any of the subject students get lost or kidnapped.

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