Cornish eco-hamlet

From a news item in Issue No. 7 of Permaculture magazine (£10 subs from Permanent Publications, Hyden House Limited, Little Hyden Lane, Clanfield, Hampshire PO8 ORU, tel 01705 596500; fax 01705 595834).

Keveral, near Looe, was once a farming hamlet of perhaps thirty people or more at the centre of a large farm. Now there are plans afoot to recreate a sustainable land-based community.

Today, Keveral farm is a 30-acre organic farm run by a community on permaculture principles. Immediately adjacent to it is Keveral Barton, two houses with 73 acres of land, which is for sale and for which Keveral Land Project is preparing a bid.

The majority of land will be held in common and the best sites will be sold as plots for small scale intensive holdings. The communal land will be managed by and for the benefit of the community for timber, fuel, energy, nature conservation, agroforestry, aquaculture, grazing, recreation, education, etc. Plots and housing will be owned privately or by housing co-ops, rather like the Crystal Waters permaculture village in Australia.

It is intended that a large portion of trading will be internal and that the community will meet many of its basic needs. It is envisaged that the project will take a leading role in an effort to find new models relevant to a sustainable future.

Plots and housing will be available and Keveral Land Project would like to hear from anyone interested. Investments, loans, grants and donations are being sought in order to finance the purchase of the land and to resource the project.

For more information contact: Bryn, Oak or Steve, Keveral Farm, Keveral, St Martin-by-Looe, Cornwall PL13 1PA (tel 01503 250215).

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