Engineering company reports for five-year-olds

Valerie Yule

Engineering has been described as 'working with the forces of nature and organising human effort, for the benefit of humanity and life on the planet.' An introduction to practical engineering skills in the primary school would be valuable and satisfying both for the child and the future adult.

Unfortunately, school books and encyclopaedias do not have the necessary glamour that will excite a child's technological fantasies. But glossy company reports for adults may.

When industries spend so much on marvellous illustrations and lay-outs for company reports, it would be a good idea if these reports could be segmented, so that the 'glamour' sections could be lifted out, for placing in kindergarten and primary school classrooms - where children can look at them in their free time. Children can be fascinated by marvellous reality, as well as by marvellous fantasy.

Marvellous machinery, technical operations, maps, landscape and workers in all sorts of occupations and operations that they never see on the screen or printed page, yet which are essential for our quality of life today. This is where the ambitions and imaginations of our five-year-olds can be kindled.

Valerie Yule, 57 Waimarie Drive, Mount Waverley, Victoria, Australia (tel 9807 4315).

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