£30m Earth Centre in Yorkshire

From Warmer Bulletin (Aug '94; free subs. from The World Resources Foundation, Bridge House, High St, Tonbridge, Kent TN9 1NP, tel 01732 368333; fax 01732 368337).

The Earth Centre is a major environmental initiative being built on a 300-acre site in South Yorkshire, in a former coal-mining region in the north of England which will address the twin themes of environment and sustainability. The centre expects to open its doors to visitors in mid-1995, when the first stage of the four-stage project is completed. That first stage will comprise a visitor centre, walking and cycle routes, a general store, café and bakery, demonstration eco-farm and organic aquaculture centre. The farm will test a variety of farming and conservation practices, including organic greenhouse management and compost production. In the aquaculture centre, the fish hatcheries and 25-metre ponds will use water taken from the adjacent River Don, and cleaned through reed beds. Bicycle hire facilities will enable optimum exploration of the site.

The £30m scheme will ultimately include elements such as sustainable technology demonstrations, a children's education and play area, riverside gardens, a training centre and workshops. Renewable energy schemes will provide as much of the site's power demands as possible, and collaboration with research bodies will be an essential and continuing feature of the centre's work.

There will be retail shops on the site, and manufacturers of environmentally sound products interested in using the Earth Centre as an outlet should contact with their details: Graham Duckenfield, The Earth Centre, Tickhill Square, Denaby Main, South Yorkshire DN12 4AW (tel 01709 770 566).

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