Random acts of kindness day

Adapted extract from an announcement in New Age Journal (USA; Jan '95), monitored for the Institute by Roger Knights, although the Institute has no report of what in the event transpired in America on February 17th '95.

February 17th (1995) is the perfect day to 'practise random acts of kindness and acts of senseless beauty'. This phrase - coined by Berkeley writer and activist Anne Herbert in 1982 [and featured on page 50 The Book of Visions, Institute for Social Inventions, 1992] - has spawned bumper stickers, the best-selling Random Acts of Kindness (Conari Press, 1993), and now National Random Acts of Kindness Day. So pay the toll of the person behind you, shovel a neighbour's driveway, or offer flowers to a co-worker with whom you normally clash. You and your family can also get involved in some not-so-random events being planned around the country. In New York City, a 'kindness club' will be handing gifts to strangers on the subway. People throughout Dallas will exit their offices and join hands in the street at lunchtime. And children in many communities will be delivering 'baskets of joy' (full of donated goods or handmade items) to nursing homes, hospitals, and rehab centres. Organisers are currently seeking volunteers on all levels: state, regional and community.

To receive an information packet, contact Nancy Briggin, Co-ordinator, Random Acts of Kindness Day, 411 Scenic Rd, Fairfax, CA 94930, USA (tel 415 4456-0480).

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