Reading groups

Nicholas Albery would like to start a small reading group in the London area, which would select a fiction or non-fiction book and meet once every six weeks to discuss the book, over a meal.

In America such groups are very common and there is even a guide to how to set them up. The New York Public Library's Guide to Reading Groups by Rollene Saal (Crown Trade Paperbacks) is the result of experience in organising reading groups for different tastes, levels and interests, and includes features such as: annotated booklists; getting started - how many members to invite, how often to meet, how to choose a leader - or run a leaderless group, and choosing the books that lead to the liveliest discussions.

Those interested in a reading group in the London area please contact Nicholas Albery, 20 Heber Road, London NW2 6AA (tel 0181 208 2853; fax 0181 452 6434; e-mail: <>).

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