Writing poems on trains

Humphrey Wynn

Extract from a letter to Nicholas Albery at The Natural Death Centre from Humphrey Wynn.

I don't know whether you've ever considered (no doubt you have) the writing of poetry on trains - when one hasn't a book or a newspaper to read, or someone to converse with - or in hospital waiting rooms. I've done both. You can't 'write' when the train is doing 90 mph through Weybridge, but you can jot down the lines you'd thought of, when it stops at Woking or Guildford. Interestingly, I've found myself writing three rhyme-linked stanzas. I've also managed to write a sonnet on a similar journey!

Humphrey Wynn, Wingfield, Scotlands Close, Haslemere, Surrey GU27 3AE.

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