Travelbucks - rewards for the car-free

Adapted extract from Econews (Vancouver Island) for Nov '94. Sent to the Institute by Guy Dauncey.

For a good example of creativity in the field of transport demand management, you can't do much better than the TravelBucks scheme launched at the new 18-storey Gateway tower in Whalley, Surrey (Canada). The developer, Intrawest, hired transportation planner Richard Drdul to set up a trip reduction program for the new block which would help its 500 workers kick the car-habit.

Through 'Travel Choices', employees in the tower are eligible for everything from cheaper parking rates for car and van-poolers, to free rides home for family emergencies and lockers for bicycles. To ensure that they continue the habit, each time employees walk, cycle, take transit, car-pool or van-pool to work, they earn one TravelBuck. These can be redeemed for (eg) a car oil change ($110), transit faresavers ($100) or a deli-lunch ($30).

Intrawest convinced Surrey Council that the program would reduce the number of cars coming to Gateway by 25% and were granted a 25% reduction in the number of mandatory parking-spaces they had to provide, saving $1.75 million in building costs.

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