Self-reliance initiatives encyclopedia

Bill Ellis

From a letter and brochure sent to the Institute.

The purpose of the Coalition for Co-operative Community Economics is to create an encyclopedia of social innovations which have proven effective in communities and which empower communities and lead to local self-reliance.

These social innovations are working in many parts of the world but are not well known to community developers and often not even to other social innovators.

Among them are: CLTs (Community Land Trusts), CSAs (Community Supported Agriculture), LETS (Local Exchange and Trading Systems), ATOs (Alternative Trading Organisations), Esops, Homeschooling, etc.

Initially there will be short four page 'How To ...' pamphlets made available through the newsletters of coalition members.

A global network of self-reliant communities is a vision seen by many people like Herman Daly, John Papworth, Leopold Kohr, James Robertson and other progressive thinkers. There is a need for a comprehensive resource on social innovations created by and for the people.

Bill Ellis, Tranet, PO Box 567, Rangeley, ME 04970, USA (tel 202 864 2252).

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