Family Arguing Time

Adapted extract from the tongue-in-cheek book How to do things right - the memoirs of a fussy man by L. Rust Hills, published 1995 by David Gobine (Horticultural Hall, 300 Massachusetts Avenue, Boston, MA 02115, USA) monitored for the Institute by Roger Knights.

All that's needed to stop family arguments of any sort is a FAT. FAT is an acronym for Family Arguing Time, a period set aside for family members to air grievances, settle differences, and generally argue away to their hearts' content. The rule is, though, that no one can argue except during the period allotted. At first, perhaps, as much as an hour a day might have to be set aside for this activity. Then later (as people lost interest in it, or came to dread it or whatever) a half-hour daily might suffice. Then a weekly arguing session; eventually perhaps only one every year or so. FAT can work wonders with even the most quarrelsome family.

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