Planetary Connections newspaper

Jane Taylor

Jane Taylor, one of the editors of Planetary Connections, writes of a newspaper that carries many of the kinds of positive items that appear in Institute for Social Inventions' publications (although Planetary Connections has perhaps more of a bias towards astrology and similar subjects):

Issue No. 7 of 'Planetary Connections - Positive News from Around the World', for Spring '95, had a print run of 50,000. Distribution is carried out on a voluntary basis by supporters of the paper both in this country and abroad. It is reaching 81 different countries.

There are plans for further editions of Planetary Connection to be published in Germany, France and Greece in the near future. Eventually, we hope there will be editions published in most countries around the world.

Planetary Connections subs. are on a flexible donation basis from PO Box 44, Evesham, Worcs WR12 7YW (tel and fax 01836 858694). The newspaper is also available on Internet in the <> forum on GreenNet and in the <alt.goodnews> forum on Usenet.

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