More lawyers, less work, more mediation

Melanie Milanich

Adapted extract from a posting to the Internet Future Work list (which is joinable by sending an e-mail message to <> and in the message typing <sub Futurework your first name your last name>).

Today there are 27,105 lawyers in Ontario. Ten years ago there were 16,966. This is at a time when the sum total of work available to lawyers is contracting rather than expanding. This is not a temporary situation resulting from the lingering recession, but because the way law is being practised is starting to undergo a fundamental change. Litigation, which is very expensive, is coming to an end. It is being supplanted by ADR, alternative dispute resolution, in which a mediator tries to get the parties to settle disputes rather than litigate through courts; and partnering in which disputes are prevented from arising.

Melanie Milanich (e-mail: <>).

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