A video history of Britain

Nicholas Albery

BBC Radio 4 are running a daily series from 10-15am to 10-30am on the history of Britain. My son, meanwhile, who is 19, dropped history as a school subject at an early age and guesses, for instance, that Queen Elizabeth I lived in the 19th century. There is no way that he or teenagers like him will sit down day after day to listen to Radio 4, but they might just deign to watch a lively video, perhaps made by John Cleese and Co, that gave an overview of the whole story.

I suggest that there should be one such video for the history of Britain and another such for the history of the world.

Nicholas Albery, Institute for Social Inventions, 20 Heber Road, London NW2 6AA (tel 0181 208 2853; fax 0181 452 6434; e-mail: <rhino@bbcnc.org.uk>).

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