Squatters select waste collector

Adapted extract from Warmer Bulletin (May '95; free subs. from The World Resources Foundation, Bridge House, High St, Tonbridge, Kent TN9 1NP, tel 01732 368333; fax 01732 368337).

Waste and litter in the streets of the squatter community of Stswetla, situated on the outskirts of Johannesburg posed a health hazard to the residents. The skips were infrequently removed with the result that large mounds of waste accumulated. Residents were expected to bring their waste to the skips but not all complied, partly because they believed that they were entitled to a 'house to house' collection as was the case in Alexandra.

During September 1994 two major corporations agreed to sponsor a one man contract in Stswetla. Stswetla was divided into six zones; in each zone one unemployed person, nominated by the community, was appointed as a 'contractor' to remove all domestic waste from each dwelling each week, as well as the litter in the immediate environment. Within six weeks the squatter camp was transformed into one of the cleanest informal living areas in South Africa.

Information from: Keep South Africa Beautiful, PO Box 1514, Randburg 2125, Republic of South Africa (tel 011 787 1080; fax 011 787 1013).

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