Paintbrush Diplomacy

From a review by Daniel Greenberg in Whole Earth Review (Winter '94; subs $35; 27 Gate Five Road, Sausalito, CA 94965, tel 415 332 1716; fax 415 332 3110).

It's simple. Kids send original artwork and letters to other kids - all over the world - to foster international communication and understanding. It works. Now in its twenty-second year Paintbrush Diplomacy involves over 14,000 children in eighty countries, and draws from a permanent collection of 3,500 paintings for travelling exhibitions and publications. The current theme is 'the global family' and the current dream is to establish the first international children's art gallery in the US.

Paintbrush Diplomacy, 1717 17th Street, San Francisco, CA 94103 (tel 415 255 7478; fax 415 255 7479).

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