The world's only water-powered Aga

Patricia Knox

From a letter to the Institute.

My father has been planting trees on his farm in North Wales for the last 35 years. He generates most of his electricity from a waterfall, and has converted an Aga cooker to run on electricity, making it probably the only water-powered Aga in the world.

The house is still connected to the electricity grid in case drought interrupts his hydro-generation. The last time this happened for any length of time was 10 years ago, in 1984.

He still spins wool, from his own sheep, and knits. He learnt these activities as therapy for his hands, following a stroke.

Patricia Knox, Pen Llywenan, Bodedern, Holyhead, Gwynedd, Wales LL65 4TS (tel 01407 740767).

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