Thyme - a grass lawn alternative

Adapted extract from an article by Rachel McLeod entitled 'The Herb Garden' in Natural Life newsletter Nov '94 (US$21 from RR1, St George, Ontario, Canada NOE 1 NO (tel & fax 519 448 4001).

A grass lawn is a great deal of work with regular time consuming mowing. One alternative is a thyme lawn which we have as part of our front garden. It has taken time to establish but is now doing well. We used a mixture of very low creeping thymes, both white and purple, and allowed some slightly taller patches of mother of thyme to grow for contrast. As a result the lawn has flowers from June to September. And it is always a joy to sit or lie and relax with the thyme scent rising with every movement. However a thyme lawn needs full sun so it is not suitable for every situation.

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