MPs renamed 'Public Servants'

Tony Ryder

Adapted from a letter to the Institute.

It seems to me we need to change the name of 'Member of Parliament' to something either more humble or that reminds MPs that they are servants of the public.

I propose 'SP' 'Servant to the Public'.

Perhaps each 'member' should be compelled to wear a small badge to remind them of this fact - the best I've come up with so far is a bowl of water (or maybe a gold calf). Christ washed his disciples' feet.

Would a short oath help - sworn daily before entering the Chamber? I am not good at this sort of thing - 'I swear on my honour, to always put the interests of the majority of my constituents above all other interests.' I am sure others could improve on this.

Tony Ryder, 70 Rowheath Road, Kings Norton B30 2EX (tel 0121 459 4468).

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