Learning 3 or 4 poems a week

Ash Faith

A letter to Nicholas Albery at The Natural Death Centre.

I am writing to express my delight in the book Poem for the Day. heard about the book on Radio 4's 'Poetry Please' and decided to purchase the book. Each poem is a joy to read - even if not learnt by heart - and your notes add to the pleasure. This is my first experience of poetry - my education was sadly very limited! I'm just beginning to realise what I've missed.

I am learning three or four poems a week and my enthusiasm has passed to friends who are also taking up the challenge. We recite our achievements to each other - how the mind goes blank!

Again, many thanks for your work in editing the book.

Ash Faith, 22 Grovelands Avenue, Swindon, SN1 4ET.

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