Pavement cycling illegal but lifesaving

Adapted extract from a letter in The Times from Richard Bird of London W12.

Cyclists and pedestrians can, and do, successfully mix. In Cambridge, many miles of paths shared by cyclists and pedestrians have been provided alongside main roads, making positive use of formerly useless pavement space, and they work. Contact between pedestrians and cyclists is not a problem if cyclists ride at a safe and considerate speed. Little more is required for peaceful co-existence.

Safe and effective cycle paths are few and far between, and will remain so until major public investments are made. In the meantime, I encourage my 13-year-old daughter to ride with care on the mainly empty pavements alongside main roads, and ride through the local park to school.

This may be illegal. It is, however, potentially lifesaving. As a parent, I would prefer to pay for a fine that a funeral.

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