Permaculture farm and campsite - progress report

The idea for a permaculture farm and trust was outlined on page 82 of Social Innovations Compendium (Institute for Social Inventions, 1993). The idea has met with success. Here are extracts from a recent leaflet.

The first stage of development of the Permacamp idea has now been successful. The Dyfed Permaculture Farm Trust has bought a site in Cwmpencraig, near Drefach Felindre in Dyfed, Wales - a small farm that has operated as an organic smallholding for 20 years. The farmhouse, long barn and parcels of land for private gardens have been bought by four members of the trust, leaving the trust itself with two farm buildings, about three acres of woodland and six fields totalling about 15 acres. The largest field is registered as a camp site. It cost us £23,000 plus solicitors' fees, of which £4,800 came as loans and the rest as donations. Forty people gave £200 or more, and so are members. To them many thanks.

The trust is hoping to attract more members so that we can pay off all loans quickly and have some spare money to pay for improvements to the tracks, composting toilets and showers for visitors, tree planting and so on.

We shall now be making a start in slowly developing the site along permacultural principles, working with nature. We want to respect the rural nature of the site and the right of the local residents to a tranquil life, and so are discouraging random visits. Over this first year, and especially from August '95 onwards, we will be putting ideas together for a design for the site. There is plenty to do in the meantime, so this year we are seeking to focus activities as follows:

- The first weekend of each month will be a working weekend; preparing simple accommodation for visitors, starting a few vegetable beds for annuals, planting a lot of potatoes, etc. If you want to be part of this, just come, bringing a tent, any tools you can carry easily, a sleeping bag, and some food to share. Be prepared to rough it.
- You can come as individuals or groups to camp, being responsible for your own catering, if you book in advance. We ask campers to work on site at least 30% of the time. We will always have a list of things for people to do. No dogs, please.

In all cases the trust requires a rent of £2 per night, unless you are a member, when it is free.

- We are also holding Permacamps, in which we organise catering and invite teachers and specialists for a set time to focus study and work groups. We will have child care facilities and camp fires, and catering will usually be laid on for everyone at these Permacamps. Food will be organic and local where possible, and will of course increasingly be grown on site. We will ask for help from course participants, though, in the fields, gardens or kitchen.

Fees for each camp will vary, but in all Permacamps children 14 and under are £3 per day. Under 2s are free.

If you wish to give us general support and to be kept in touch with future developments through a regular newsletter, you may become an associate member for £10 per annum. (Cheques payable to 'Dyfed Permaculture Farm Trust' please). For more information please send an SAE to Permacamp, Bach y Gwyddel, Cwmpencraig, Felindre, Llandysul, Dyfed, Wales (tel 01559 371427).

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