Childless By Choice

The Book of Visions, page 14 (Institute for Social Inventions, 1992) reported on the British Organisation of Non-Parents. The following outlines a similar organisation in the States.

Childless By Choice, A National Network for People without Children, provides support, humour and social commentary for and about people who have chosen not to raise children. Our quarterly newsletter gives practical tips and humorous insights into the childless lifestyle. Articles discuss the social, environmental, political and personal aspects of remaining child-free.

Sample newsletter articles include:

- Selfish?
- Ten ways to tell your in-laws you don't want children;
- Whatever happened to zero population growth?
- How to be immortal without having kids;
- Who will care for you when you're old?
- A brief history of the childless movement;
- When kids aren't invited;
- Mothering the earth;
- Contraception update.

Childless By Choice is a group of diverse people who have in common one thing: we are not raising children. We are married and single, straight and gay, of all races and backgrounds. Our definition of family includes people without children.

Many of us are comfortable with our lifestyles and self-confident about our choice. Others are deciding whether or not to have children, and this forum gives them a positive look at the childless choice (since our pro-natalist society already does a great job of giving them a positive look at parenthood). Our goal is to make the childless choice acceptable to society and guilt-free to those who make the choice.

Childless By Choice is not neutral politically or socially. We feel that the childless choice cannot be politically separated from reproductive choice as a whole. And because over-population is an environmental issue, we cannot ignore the environment and the effects of world population growth. We encourage society to promote voluntary childlessness as an acceptable, normal lifestyle option.

Childless By Choice, PO Box 695, Leavenworth, WA 98826, USA (tel 509 763 2112).

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