Pneumatic transport network for the UK

Keith Hudson

Adapted extract from a pamphlet by Keith Hudson entitled Towards the Computer Economy - The foreseeable future of manufacturing industry and implications for freight transport.

The Swiss are investing in a feasibility study for a 350-mile semi-pneumatic railway running in tunnels through the mountains. Keith Hudson proposes for the UK a network of pneumatic freight transport. Factories along the routes would need a great many 'insertion points', like a pulsation of trucks with air spaces in between. These would inject air at normal atmospheric pressure that would act as cushions. And, because a central reservoir would supply the same low pressure environment along the whole length of the track (between each truck with its own air cushion), collisions would be impossible.

Keith Hudson, 6 Upper Camden Place, Bath BA1 5HX (tel 01225 442377; e-mail: <>).

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