Russia and Armageddon

Adapted extract from an article entitled 'The Armageddon View' by Julian Snyder from the Harry Schultz Letter - 'a financial and liberty-loving newsletter' (HSL, PO Box 622, CH-1001, Lausanne, Switzerland, tel 32 16 533684, fax 32 16 535777; Issue No. 562, subs £185).

As debris from the Oklahoma city blast was cleared, we had a confidential meeting with one of Germany's most important political leaders. The next fear, he said, was that the Russian Mafia or other international terrorist groups would get possession of nuclear warheads and blow up a city - which he believed was likely.

No end was in sight to the war in Bosnia; he predicted that Balkan wars would continue for the next 20 to 30 years, with a continuing risk of World War III.

Comparing the present economic and political situation in Russia with conditions in the hyper-inflationary Weimar Republic of pre-Hitler Germany, he said, 'Russia is worse than Weimar.' (The Russian rouble is now about 5,000 to the US dollar with the Russian minimum wage at an equivalent $8.50 a month.)

When we asked who would stop a possible Russian invasion and takeover of the Ukraine (50 million population), the response was 'nobody!'.

The Russian General Alexander Lebed has bluntly warned the West that Eastward expansion of NATO to protect Poland or other East European countries 'would lead to World War III'.

This as Russia violated its disarmament agreement with the West and announced plans to move 5,000 tanks into the Black Sea area, and the Russian Foreign Minister warned that Russia was ready to protect the interests of the 25 million Russians in the former Soviet Republics.

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