Radio tags for hire by mountain climbers

Adapted from a letter to The Times.

I work in the Scottish mountains, radio-tracking the golden eagle as part of a research project for the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds. The birds I monitor each carries a miniature radio transmitter (matchbox size) which emits signals on an individually identifiable frequency. My success in locating a bird depends on a number of factors, but I am rarely thwarted.

Like many others I have been horrified by the number of avoidable deaths in our mountains in recent years, due to a combination of factors which include poor map-reading, inadequate safety equipment and the inability to gauge personal levels of fitness and competence.

I am convinced that the portable, inexpensive and easily available radio-technology we use for eagles could and should be applied to assist rescue teams in their search for lost, exhausted and injured parties in mountains.

Such radio-tags could be made available for hire from police stations, public houses, youth hostels and mountain rescue huts, to be 'signed out' with a fully returnable deposit. They could then be used by high-risk groups (very young or very old or inexperienced people) and in high-risk areas or conditions. The technology is simple to use and maintain, and is ready and waiting.

Justin Grant, 7 Maltland, Inverary, Argyll, Scotland.

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