Green armbands for memory loss

P. Anne Peel

Adapted from a letter to the Institute

I propose the use of green armbands and green walking sticks to denote people with memory disabilities - to enable them to be assisted by acquaintances and general members of the public who may not easily recognise the confusion caused by loss of memory. This would complement the way that some other handicaps like deafness, physical disability and blindness are usually visibly noticeable because of the use of deaf aids sticks, crutches or white sticks.

Recently I have come across a number of people who are worried about loss of memory. They can remember, in great detail, incidents which happened in childhood, adolescence and early childhood, but are becoming confused about recent memories and are finding that they need to record day-to-day events in diaries. They often meet people whom they recognise but cannot name or remember in what context they met previously and are wary of these lapses in memory making them appear bad-mannered.

P. Anne Peel, 13 Cowdry Close, Thornhill, Dewsbury, West Yorks WF12 OLW (tel 01924 454772).

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