More pauses needed in travel announcements

Adapted extract from a letter by Roger Gilman of Newport, Rhode Island, USA, that appeared in Abigail Van Buren's column in The Seattle Times (Feb 18th '94) monitored for the Institute by Roger Knights.

I do a lot of travelling to visit my family, who live all over the map. The announcements in airline terminals and train stations are sometimes impossible to understand, due to resonance and echoes. By talking slower and more distinctly, and making short breaks between each word, the message could be made more understandable. Example: 'Flight' (pause) 'number' (pause) 'to destination' (pause) 'boarding at' (pause) 'gate number' (pause)......

Usually it sounds like, 'Flightthreeohsixtochicagoboardingatgatesix!'

We hearing-impaired people would appreciate attention to our problem. There are many of us travelling now. No ramps to build or wheelchair accessibility necessary - just a few lessons in diction and enunciation. Thank you.

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