Over-25 car window stickers to deter car thieves

Information adapted from an article by Valerie Elliott in an unidentified newspaper cutting sent to the Institute.

A simple yellow triangle fixed to car windows could prove a vital weapon in a police drive to deter joyriders and combat car crime.

The brightly-coloured stickers, which display the figure '25', inform the police that the driver of the vehicle is unlikely to be aged under 25.

If officers spot any youngster driving this vehicle, the symbol signals the car owner's permission for the police to stop the vehicle and to check the driver's identity.

Police forces nationwide support the scheme and the yellow sticker could soon be on offer at police stations throughout the country as other forces follow the lead.

The triangle was devised by PC Peter Stott, a crime prevention officer in West Yorkshire, after studying crime figures which showed that under-25's were responsible for 90% of vehicle theft, while 70% of victims were aged over 25. Most offenders were aged 16.

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