Activist hoarding space offered in London W2

Liz Russell

If anyone has a list - or would work with me on a list - of practical, political, environmental, social demands, and if anyone also has the energy to help me set the words on a mighty hoarding of marine ply, then this hoarding could be put up on the outside of my building here in London W2 off Westbourne Grove. I have a builder in mind to erect it, but so far I haven't had a very permanent sort of poem, list or design to put on it. Some of my wilder ideas would be too offensive to begin with. I offered the space to the Green Party but they found the whole idea too daunting.

Liz Russell, c/o Sheila Harkness, 5 Courtnell Street, London W2 5BU (tel 0171 221 9320).

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