Energy-generating treadmills for dogs

John Blower

From an e-mail message to the Institute.

Exercising urban dogs can be a tiresome chore for canine lovers; and from the dogs' point of view, the lack of open space and the industrious nature of their owners' lives must breed frustration, particularly if Rover's genes are programmed to run several miles a day.

Renewable energy resources, much lacking, must be the key to the planet's sustainability.

Put these intractable problems together - and we get public treadmills for dogs.

Yes, all publicly accessible buildings (supermarkets, libraries, government buildings etc) could provide energy-generating treadmills for dogs to use while their owners make use of the facilities. The owner would insert a card which would record the amount of energy their beast produced, which would then garner them a credit at the end of each billing period. Fido could be encouraged to greater exertions by the provision of a hologram of a juicy bone, merely inches in front of him/her - alas, by definition, never attainable.

Result: happy exercised dogs, and an infinitely renewable source of energy.

John Blower, Fenix Business Communications, 255 Miller Avenue, Mill Valley, CA 94941, USA (tel 415 381 1155 day; 415 381 8630 eve; fax: 415 381 2602; e-mail: <>).

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