Voluntary Agencies Directory

The Voluntary Agencies Directory 1995/96, NCVO Publications, Regent's Wharf, 8 All Saints Street, London N1 9RL (tel 0171 713 6161), 416pp, £15.95.

This invaluable annual publication is a guide to over 2,000 charities and voluntary organisations.

Familiar names appear such as Greenpeace and the Low Pay Unit. Others are smaller and less well known, for instance: Yoga for Health, Working Weekends on Organic Farms, Action with Communities in Rural England, Relaxation for Living, Common Lore Storytelling Co, Kite Society of GB, Association for Stammerers, Escalator Safety Action Group, British Goat Society - not to mention half a dozen organisations started by the Institute for Social Inventions.

The directory comes recommended by BBC Pebble Mill, amongst others, who find it vital for dealing with problems when viewers of 'Good Morning with Anne and Nick' phone up their hotline for help.

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