The Job Society, discussing the future of work

Keith Hudson, whose details are in the previous item, is the founder of The Job Society.

Founded in December 1994, The Job Society is an independent non profit-making forum concerned with studying what is happening in reality within the world of work. It is open to all individuals and corporate bodies with an interest in employment matters in the short- and long-term. Its objectives include:

(1) To study the profound changes taking place in the structure of employment within mature industrial economies;

(2) To study economic, technological, political and environmental trends both at the macro-level (eg the increasing domination of the multinational firm in the global economy, the decline of the nation-state, destruction of eco-systems) and at the micro-level (eg computer-assisted learning, automation, teleworking from homes);

(3) To act as a databank for new types of 'post-industrial' work, subcontracting and local initiatives (eg LETS-type schemes, job clubs, new economic villages, self-publishing);

(4) To encourage personal discussion of new ideas concerning employment and quasi-economic activities (via the Internet) .

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