Motors running for months without electricity

Conrad Hopman

Extract from an article by Conrad Hopman entitled 'Dreamspace - A proposal for land use'.

Distinguished Professor Dr Bockris, electrochemistry guru at Texas A M University, writes that: 'we are on the brink of some really mind-boggling changes in the paradigm ... patents are being given for energy from the vacuum ... and motor cars which run for months without electricity - an advantage which would so overcome any kind of non-renewable energies that these will be swept away, and we will indeed gain the world we have striven to create.'

C.S. Hopman, PO Box 552, Taos, New Mexico 87571, USA. Conrad Hopman owns 20 acres of beautiful land in New Mexico and wants help turning it into a centre for creativity in the arts and the sciences, initially to build cabins that creative people can make use of. His paper 'Dreamspace' describes his plans.

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