Developing thinking skills

Mardecai Maerowitz

Adapted extract from a letter to the Institute from M. Meirovitz, the inventor in 1977 of the wonderful Master Mind, a deductive board game with coloured pegs, which has sold some 60 million copies worldwide.

I wish to apply for membership of the Institute for Social Inventions.

I have made a gym of the mind for developing thinking skills needed in every day life situations at school, home or work. I also propose the 'intellectum' - a mind olympics - with competition and tournaments for stimulating the 'sports of the mind' and everyone's natural intellectual potential.

I would like to publish a book Think ability a programme to exercise and improve thinking skills using games; and a second book Invert ability how to develop inventive-creative skills and apply them.

Mardecai Maerowitz, 71 Avenue des Ternes, 75017 Paris (tel 33 1 45 72 09 62).

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