Pheremone spray for dogs' mess

Bill Drake

For some time I have been fascinated by the role of pheremones in animal behaviour. My suggestion is, I'm afraid, rather simple but might contribute significantly to the quality of urban life.

I propose that some innovative UK company research the pheremone field and come up with a pheremone which will prompt dogs to defecate upon the place where the chemical is sprayed. Considering the role of scent in prompting dogs to urinate and defecate, the hunt for the appropriate pheremone should not be a complex one. Once the chemical messenger has been identified, I propose that it be marketed to city street maintenance departments, who would regularly spray the sewer grills in the streets with this chemical. This would prompt dogs to defecate and urinate directly upon the sewer grills at curbside, rather than upon the sidewalks and park pathways which presently receive their largesse. As an alternative, cities could require that dog owners carry a spray can of the pheremone mix with them, encouraging their beasties to perform their duties upon the appropriate sewer grill by applying a fresh whiff of the spray.

In either case, there would be a clear advantage to public sanitation and health to have doggie droppings placed directly upon the sewer grating, from whence they would naturally wash directly into the city sewer system every time it rains.

I further propose that this product could be named 'Spot On' - at least for the UK market, where such a terrible multi-level pun, as well as the product itself, might be more appreciated.

Bill Drake, 527 West Jefferson, Waxahachie, Texas 75165, USA (tel 001 214 938 2927).

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