Innovation centres run by elders

Prof. Edna Aphek

Adapted extracts from a fax sent to the Institute.

My vision is of centres of innovation, creativity and inventions manned by old people.


- To change the low public image that elderly people have.
- To change the low self-image that elderly people have.
- To give the elderly something meaningful and gratifying to do.
- To reintroduce the elderly into the 'circle of life'.

Structure and location of centres

- Inside old age homes
- In community centres and centres for retired people.
- Forming online groups, via the Internet or any other network.

Centre activities

- Groups will take upon themselves different assignments ranging from problem solving in industry to developing a new product, or marketing one.
- Groups will work on innovative ideas for improving the quality of life.
- Groups will train others in creativity (online).
- Groups will give support to others in the field (online).


- Start a pilot, at one old age home (group to include people who are intellectually unimpaired).
- (Parallel to the above) Form a group on the Internet (or on any other network). Limit it to 30 participants.
- Recruit trainers (in creative thinking and innovation).
- Trainers train three to four leading elderly people in techniques for creative thinking, to serve later on as assistants.
- Groups exposed to rationale.
- Create contacts with industry, organisations (governmental and non-governmental).
- Industry, research and other organisations may suggest problems or issues to be dealt with by the aforementioned groups.
- (Parallel to the above) online (forum/discussion) group to start working.
- Groups initiate problems or issues to be dealt with.

The uniqueness of the model

- Combining the old with the new.
- Creating a 'revolution' in the way elderly people are treated and looked upon.
- Using 'discarded intellectual forces' for the benefit of society in general and the elderly in particular.

Other possible models

The same model could be applied to other populations, who may be like the elderly people, perhaps physically disabled, but by no means intellectually impaired (ie the mentally handicapped.)

Prof. Edna Aphek, 42 Hatayassim St, Jerusalem, Israel (tel and fax 972 2 665902).

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