Women to start work earlier

Ms Eilat Navon

Adapted extract from a fax to the Institute.

On the one hand women are under a great deal of pressure to work (either because of financial needs or because of career considerations), and on the other hand they have to bring up children. In most cases this is a no-win situation, it's either the woman's career that suffers because she wants to bring up the children, or the children suffer because of the mother's work.

The solution (or partial solution) is to enable women to start work at an earlier hour so that instead of beginning work at 8 or 9 in the morning they could begin at 6-30 to 7-00 or even before. This would allow the mother to be at home earlier, and even pick up the kids from school or kindergarten.

Being able to spend time with your children is a distinct rise in a woman's life quality, it also lessens the stress induced by the feeling of neglecting one's kids.

Ms Eilat Navon. 9 Neve Sha'anan St, Jerusalem, Israel (tel 972 2 356214; fax 972 2 737259).

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