A social innovations bibliography

Omar Mahmoud

Adapted extract from a letter to the Institute.

I suggest that members of the Institute for Social Inventions start a bibliography of works of fiction and non-fiction that include ideas about helping improve personal and social conditions, using similar criteria to those applied by the Institute to rate social inventions for its awards.

I start the bibliography with a few books I've recently read:

- Living a wonderful life Alexandra Stoddard). 500 ideas on enriching our daily life through rituals that create special moments in our home, such as when eating, sleeping or bathing.
- Fifty simple things you can do to save the earth the Earth Works Group). Practical suggestions of simple things we can all do to create a better environment.
- The seven habits of highly effective people Stephen R Covey). A complete programme for planning our lives on the personal and professional levels with lots of ideas for identifying a purpose in life, changing attitudes, time planning, listening to others, etc.

Omar Mahmoud, 16 Route de Meyrin, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland (tel 41 227 400 530 h; 7 303 536 w).

Editorial comment

Readers are welcome to send in reviews of books they like, with a special focus on summarising the innovative ideas they contain. Please give publisher's details, where to order them when obscure, date of publication, price and ISBN.

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