The Neighbourhood Company

Stephen Bendle

Adapted extracts from a detailed proposal sent to the Institute.

A sustainable neighbourhood would be a community that meets as much of its power, water, food and other requirements as possible and in which people can cooperate to provide mutual services and support.

My proposal is for a Neighbourhood Company owned by the residents - along Scandinavian lines - which would own and maintain the necessary capital equipment and would also run a transport scheme, day nursery and credit union, partly using a LETS scheme.

A Sustainable Neighbourhood could provide a reasonable standard of living, irrespective of the external economic environment. Residents would have control over the means to meet many of their essential needs.

The scheme would be designed to high standards of insulation, with low energy equipment such as low energy lighting, solar water heating and the option of combined heat and power. Grants from the Energy Saving Trust and the Combined Heat and Power Association would cover the extra cost of a combined heat and power plant and the consultancy work involved in its installation.

Resident involvement in the regeneration process and in the management of the finished housing has been recognised as vital.

Stephen Bendle, 6 Walmesley Terrace, Snow Hill, Bath, BA1 6DW (tel 01225 461308).

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