Social and technical inventions in the Philippines

Information adapted from a document sent to the Institute.

The Philippines-based Likhaan Foundation has set up a number of linked 'Invent Schools' with the aim of training and discovering future inventors. Founded on September 21st '88, it is the first and only 'school' for young inventors in Southeast Asia and the Western Pacific region. They believe that creativity can be taught and aim to study it with a new science called 'creatology'. Invent Schools also aim to develop new social inventions and community innovations such as new organisations, new institutions and community programmes and projects which may use new products and inventions. In 1990 the Likhaan Foundation held the first Manila conference on social inventions.

Nelson Aboganda, President, Likhaan Foundation, Suite 307-308 GJ Building, 1385 Quezon Avenue, Quezon City, Philippines (tel 032 922 5397).

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