What's your Community Quotient?

Adapted extract from an item by Jamie Stiehm in The Nation (July 18th '94; subs $481yr. (47 issues) from The Nation, Box 10763, Des Moines, IA 50340-0763, USA) reprinted in Utne Reader (Nov '94).

Ten questions to test your community quotient (CQ).

(1) If you have children, do/did they attend state or private schools?

(2) When was the last time you went on public transport?

(3) Have you given blood recently?

(4) Do you do volunteer work in your community?

(5) Do you attend a church, synagogue or mosque?

(6) Have you ever served on a jury?

(7) How many of your neighbours do you know by name?

(8) When was the last time you took out a book from the local library?

(9) When was the last time you went to a free public event or amusement like a museum or the zoo?

(10) Do you use primarily private clubs or public parks for your recreation and exercise?

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