Childshare by shareparents

Valerie Yule

Adapted extract from a paper sent to the Institute.

If people have more than two children that they cannot support adequately financially but want to keep, then there is a case for Childshare. This does not take the children from their parents - as used often to happen in the past - but other people without children of their own who are willing and able to help support and care for them can have permanent legal rights to access (with similar safeguards as in adoptions.)

The 'sharecare' would preferably start being organised before the baby's birth, but subject to the aunt/uncle's response to the baby when born, friendship between natural and 'sharing' parents, and agreement on the terms of sharing. This should include shareparents' rights to care for the child two complete days a week if they want this (subject to breast-feeding), and willingness to care for shorter periods during the week too, for mutual convenience - but not when not convenient to the shareparent. The shareparent can care for longer periods if the natural parent would also like it.

If the child's family moves away from the area, then the shareparent has a right to visit and communicate, and has a right for the child to stay with the shareparent at least two weeks in the year, if transport is possible.

If for any reason the shareparent no longer contributes financially, then residential and access rights lapse, unless the natural parent wishes it, but the child has a right to the maintenance of written communication and to access the shareparent if the child wishes. The child always has a permanent relative in the shareparent.

Valerie Yule, 57 Waimarie Drive, Mount Waverley, Victoria, Australia (tel 9807 4315).

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