Snowboarding will make skiing obsolete

Adapted extracts from an article by Alex Kozinski in The Wall Street Journal (Mar 15th '95) monitored for the Institute by Roger Knights.

Children, unburdened by the prejudices and vanities of their elders, are voting with their feet and deserting skiing for snowboarding in droves. Snowboards are here to stay and, like compact discs and touch-tone phones, they'll push out the outdated technology everyone thought was irreplaceable. Here are just a few reasons why:

(1) Skiing is hard; snowboarding's easy.

(2) Skiing mangles knees, snowboarding doesn't.

(3) Skiing is work; snowboarding's fun.

(4) Skiers hate bad terrain; snowboarders don't care.

(5) Ski boots hurt; snowboard boots are comfy.

(6) Skiers look dweeby; snowboarders look cool.

(7) Skiing is scary; snowboarding is exhilarating.

(8) Ski equipment is a pain; snow boarding gear is a breeze.

(9) Skis clutter; snowboards are neat.

(10) Skiers carry poles; snowboarders have free hands.

Skiing is history; snowboarding rules.

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